Facebook Content Designs $99/month
This Offer Will Not Last Forever

01.We work on Google Drive Shared Documents

02.Gartoon Content Creator

03.Customer Check on Concept Give Feedbacks, Edit or Approve

04.Gartoon Content Creator Revising

05.Gartoon Creative Designer

06.Customer Check on Design Give Feedbacks, Edit or Approve

07.Gartoon Creative Designer Revising

08.Done Post on Facebook page
Benefits for your company:
Facebook Content Designs $99/month, cost less than one of your junior designer’s salary, even cheaper than only one designed post from other companies that match our standard. At Gartoon, all designed post comes from 5 years-experience Social Media Marketing Strategist”. Let me describe how we can say with confidence like above:
1. Plan features:
- We promise to deliver 10 designed posts per month, all post types listed in the section (4).
- You can get more than 10 by adding extra charge for $10 per designed post.
- We promise to increase your post engagements, shares and likes comparing to your last month previous organic results.
- This plan does not count boosting. But we can discuss about boost plan to push your Facebook business page’s results faster according to your budget.
2. We know the best time to get the most from the contents:
- 9:00 AM, when people are just starting work and going online for the first time.
- 12:00 PM, when folks are take their lunch break.
- 7:00 PM, when folks are back from work and school.
3. We know the 4 key points that today audience really love to see:
- Entertain
- Inspire
- Inform
- Teach
4. We have 7 types of contents in our creativity for your Facebook business page:
- Product highlight (key point: inform)
- Festivals/ceremony/public holiday poster (key point: inform)
- Event poster (key point: inform, inspire)
- Testimonials poster (key point: inform)
- Announcement (key point: inform)
- Quote (key point: inspire, inform, teach, entertain)
- Game/Puzzle (key point: entertain, teach)
- Your Business Related Tips (key point: teach, inform)
5. What we do:
- We will delivery designs, then schedule or post directly on your page.
- We will post, edit or delete any post if you want to.
- Posting photo or status without any design from us does not count in the plan.
6. What we do not do:
- We do not manage your Facebook business page.
- We do accept role as editor not admin for your Facebook business page.
- We do not moderate comments or reviews,
- We moderate every post, so anything related to sex, politics, illegal or sensitive will not be designed or posted. (We protect your company)
- We do not check the inbox or any setting of your page before asking for your permission, except the Facebook Insight.
7. What you do:
- Subscribe to our plan.
- Assign us as an editor of your Facebook business page.
- Check and verify our designed posts in the monthly schedule sheet. No approval, No post!
- Make sure you put “monthly plan sheet shared on google drive” on your bookmark bar.
8. What you do not do:
- You don’t need to spend another amount of money on stock photos, as other companies’ Terms of Service need you to, because Good Stock Photo costs up to $10 for each and sometimes there are more than 1 photo to be used to design 1 post. But we offer you for free (for photo less than 1500px).
Facebook Content Designs $99/month
Regular Price: $250/month
10 Day Delivery
Account Information

* By Clicking “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT”, you agree to our Terms of Services and Refund Policy. I also authorize Gartoon to email, call, leave recorded messages and/or send recurring texts (msg & data rates my apply) about our products and services using automated technology.

High Quality ProductION
We guarantee standard quality and meet delivery time. You will be notified with daily updates to track your project progress.

If you are in any way dissatisfied with a production you paid for, we’ll refund your money within 30 days of purchase. Simply email us the problem, and we’ll take care of you.